Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The Slow Lane

Well a new year has begun and life will be more chaotic than ever. During the day I look after my two beautiful girls while my wife is at work. My oldest daughter is in French immersion in the afternoons so that give me a few hours with just my 3yr old. At 4pm my wife comes home from work, we tag in the hallway and it’s my turn to go off to my real job. On a good night I could be home by 11pm, but on most nights it’s around 1am. Let the chaos begin! Kids are up at 6, wife makes coffee, I get up after a “full” night’s sleep…LOL…ahem…and she leaves with a smile wishing me luck everyday. Somewhere in there I’m going to have to fit in my training.
We have about a foot of snow right now so riding outside is nearly impossible…I’ve been running some, but its more like skating than running…Swimming has not been a challenge at all…I mean getting there not being a challenge…the actual swimming has been less than medal performance. It’s a funny thing swimming. I’ve run a 36 minute 10k, attempted a 3:15 Boston marathon qualifier (finished in 3:54….broke my big toe on the baby gate a few weeks before the race), climbed countless miles on my mountain bike…ridden hundreds of kilometers (indoor and out) on my black Cannondale tri bike…and can’t seem to make it across the stupid pool without my heart rate reaching maximum within 50m! I’ve read all there is to read online…I’ve bought all the books one can by….I’ve done drill after drill but I still can’t seem to get to the air….maybe I expect to much too soon. I’ve only been swimming for 2 months and still get passed by the 4 ½ foot tall 12 year old school girl in the slow lane. Kidding, she’s at least 14. Oh well I know that if I stick with it, it will come. I have to remember that swimming is more related to golf and tennis than it is to running and biking. So watch out all you slow laners…I intend to kick some 12 year old girl butt…I mean 14 year old…

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Break???

Fortunately for me I did not pick this month to begin my training! That began back in October…mostly with swim drills…Having spent the last two months getting my head and body around nutrition, training and sleep (ya right), could it all be crumbling around me having spent one week with the in-laws??? I have managed to get out for a run most days but then followed up my great workout with hours of drinking and eating…maybe it’s my Christmas gift to myself? I know we are a surrounded by choices each day but for this week I have chosen the life of a college grad fueling up on Canadian and turkey dinners. But I suppose like all summer camp romances, my life with the “molson” twins must come to and end. Having spent this week on the dark side I’m looking forward to getting back to those early morning swims, late night runs and 2 hour rides on my wind-trainer…So goodbye Christmas cheer, hello Happy New Year!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Let the games begin!

It began many months ago on a warm summer day in August. We set out early that day hoping to make the start but with 2 kids getting anywhere on time is always a challenge. Needless to say, we missed the start. Not to worry, there was only 17 hours left to catch the rest! We made the 40 minute drive from our home in Kelowna to Penticton to watch Ironman Canada. To cheer, clap, draw in the street and show our kids something very special. By the time we left, we were exhausted. And we hadn’t swum a stroke, hoped on a bike or ran a single mile. Well maybe we ran a little (2yr olds don’t like to sit around very long).
On our way home my wife (a.k.a. beer sheriff) suggests that I do the race next year. “You could do that” she says. I’m not sure she appreciates the gravity of what she’s committing to. But I explain that even if I could, the registration takes place the following morning with a line 3000 people deep. Always the problem solver she says “camp out over night, but bring the kids and make it an experience they will most likely never forget.” Hmmm, this could work (NOT). More like an experience I will never forget! But with thoughts of grandeur running through my head…Can I really do this??? I can barley make it across a pool let alone make it across a LAKE.
I have completed (not competed) in a sprint distance tri, run a marathon and countless other running distances but the though of this race and this distance was daunting. But there is something about the Ironman that has always captured my imagination. Maybe it’s the magic created in Kona with its inspirational stories told of athletes overcoming the demons of perceived limitations. Then there was the challenge of not only the race but for some the year long training. Besides, who could ever pass up the bragging rights and envy of ALL WHO LOOK UPON ME….ahem…back to reality.
So Kids in tow we spend an entertaining night out on the “street” with wonderful people from all over the world surrounding us. Even there in the middle of the night there was a nervousness of what we about to embark on. For many it was a renewal of an old flame, for others doing the “Ironman Shuffle” it was another shot at that Kona slot. But for me it was just a chance to be one of them. Now I’m here, registered, paid (no going back now) and ready to take on what will be the biggest challenge of my athletic career (do I have one???).
Wish me luck!
“ Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” R. W. Emerson